Thursday, April 13, 2006


Something that I have lost and found and lost again and found again many many times over the last few weeks...
You have to take a huge leap of faith to be with someone
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you decide to move to a different place
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you start a new job
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you lose an important person from your life
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you lose sight of what matters to find it again
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you decide to have children
You have to take a huge leap of faith when you open your heart and soul to someone
I wonder what it would be like to have no faith at all times
When I lose my faith in everything, all I can feel is an enormous void
It is as if I am dead, unable to feel anything, unable to realize the point of our existence
I don't like that
I don't want to be in that state, I really don't
At the same time, it is some times necessary for that way I remember why I like life so much
It is as if without sometimes being in a state of no faith, you cannot have faith
I come out of it with a greater desire to continue to have faith in everything
in you, in me, in God, in other people, in life...
I believe that the choices we make lead us where we are supposed to be
I believe that whatever God, or whatever one chooses as a guide for life, takes one to the right place
I believe in you, my love
I believe that you are never going to stop making my life more beautiful
I believe that the spirit of my mom will always be with me as a whispering voice in the back of my head asking me whether what I'm about to do is really the right thing
I believe that I am going to become as happy as I were while she was still physically present
I believe that I am going to help make this world a little better by being a good person
I believe...
I have faith...
I don't think that I can live without it!

1 comment:

amalia said...

Σε πιστεύω!..απ εδω ξεκινάω το σχόλιο μου..Πιστεύω σ αυτό που τολμάς και σ αυτό που λες πως θα τολμήσεις. Αισθάνομαι πως είναι σημαντικό να διανύεις χιλιόμετρα στην άβυσσο των λέξεων και να δημιουργείς το συγκεκριμένο! Αυτό που καταγράφεις Μαρίνα είναι μια σπουδαία προσθήκη για να γίνει ο κόσμος καλύτερος όπως λες. Είναι αν θες, εκείνη η ανάσα ζωής που χρειάζεται η ζωή για να πάει πιο κάτω. Αν με ρωτάς, θα σου πω, πως είναι ένα μνημόσυνο για την μάνα σου. Απ τα καλύτερα. Μια σπίθα αναμμένη παντοτινά στο σεριάνι του χρόνου. Ναι,..είναι μια ασύλλυπτη υπέρβαση!Ξέρεις, η τεχνόπολις μου έδωσε την ευκαιρία να λευτερώσω τον λόγο μου, απ το κρυφό σχολειό της ψυχής μου.Μ αρέσει ξέρεις. Μ αρέσει το ίδιο κι ο καθρέφτης. Αποκαλύπτει την δύναμη της μεταξύ μας επικοινωνίας.
Να πιστεύεις λοιπόν.Σε σένα. Σε ότι αγαπάς. Στη ζωή...
Ίσως γιατί ξέρουμε καλά κι οι δυό πως έχουμε γερές βάσεις σ αυτό που λέμε πίστη.