Monday, April 24, 2006

a choice of departure, that's what you made

departing; you are departing little by little
you are departing to world none of us knows...
you 're going to meet the son you lost and your parents
you are leaving us behind to cry and look for you presence
you are leaving us all by ourselves
maybe that's the way we are supposed to be, self sufficient
you know, independence is priceless and you had it
you needed nothing and noone
you always did what the heart and mind commanded, but you mostly followed your heart
you always chose to be with us, always making choices
a woman who knows what she wants, knows how to love, how to give
how to be a partner, a mother, a friend, a sister, an aunt, a grandmother and whatever else you can imagine
i am not going to tire everyone out listing all of your qualities or with descriptions of how good of a mother you are
i know you would have hated that!
it's almost as if i hear your voice
"come on, come on now isn't there anything else for you to tell us?"
really, what more can say?
those who loved you know you very well
those who pretended to love you will wonder why the mourning
they will simply go on with their lives not realizing they have lost a one in a lifetime opportunity to meet an authentic woman!
the journeys we choose teach us many lessons
my journey taught me about adulthood, womanhood, partnership, independence, and self sufficiency
the journey you depart on now is going to teach us how to be happy again with a different kind of yoru presence
know that we love you
know that we all want you to be proud of us
know that we will always have you with us because the footprint of your love is inerasable!
have a great journey!

written on March 7, 2006 6:40pm Eastern Time, on the plane waiting for take off
this plane was going to take me home to see my mom before she departed
in my home country it was 1:40am March 8, 2006
my mom had departed for her journey at 12:30am March 8, 2006, but I didn't know that....


amalia said...

δεν ξέρω πως βρήκες το κουράγιο να βάλεις αυτό το κείμενο εδώ μέσα...
Θα φταίει η άνοιξη που μοιάζει αφόρητα αποκαλυπτική αυτή τη χρονιά. Ίσως να φταίει το καθρέφτισμα του χρόνου, έτσι όπως ακούμπησε την ενηλικίωση της γραφής σου.Ίσως νάναι που όλη η αλήθεια δεν κατάφερε να φανεί στην αποτύπωση των λέξεων. Δεν ξέρω...Υποψιάζομαι μόνο πως αυτό το κείμενο, στην πρώτη γραφή του, μιλούσε ελληνικά...Κι αν είναι έτσι, αισθάνομαι πως το χρωστάς στον εαυτό σου, να το δημοσιεύσεις έως είναι...Αν όχι, κράτα μια απολογία, από μένα που το ξέρεις καλά, έχω μια διαστροφική ευαισθησία να σε διαβάζω ελληνικά!!

kathreftis said...

η μιση μου ζωη μιλαει αγγλικα
γι'αυτην ειναιπου γραφω σε τουτη τη ξενη γλωσσα
μια επιλογη απο καρδιας
αυτο ειναι που κανω