Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas time

Christmas time has always been my favorite time of the winter...
This Christmas is even more important because we now have a home, a dog, each other...
It has been a festive time. It's been fun and it continues to be fun.
I am overjoyed that you are with me, that you love me, and that you are doing your best to make life more fun....
I haven't written to you in a while.
But, I have been thinking about you a lot!
It doesn't matter that you are with me every day.
I still feel that I need to communicate with you this way.
I love you. I love that we have built a life together and that we are still having fun!
I love that in our own, private, way we are still on our honeymoon....and I love the fact that it is a way that no one else gets!
I love that you are not perfect, for you are perfect for me!