Thursday, January 24, 2008

every night you visit me

Every night you visit me in my dreams. I like seeing you, I wake up and think you are still with me. The dreams are very vivid, they are almost real. I see you and touch you and wonder when I will hear your voice again. That's the only part of you I don't have. The silence is deafening in my dreams. I would really like to hear your voice again. Maybe you come to visit because you know I need you now. Maybe it's because you know that I need to have you close to me to give the courage and strength to keep fighting, endure, finish what I have started and not be put down. Accomplish my dreams which seen unrecognizable lately, not settle.

I think I 'm going through another wave of mourning. I really miss you mom. I really want you to be here and hold me and talk to me like we used to. As I write this I cry. I haven't done that in a while. Tears tend to be liberating, but today they feel burdening. I feel like I did a couple of years ago when I could not believe that you left us, that you were taken away from us. It is unbearable to think that the only way I can feel you and touch you is in my dreams. I don't think I will ever stop feeling this way.

I love you and I miss you like crazy!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The new year

So what will the new year bring?
Well, to start from my own family, lots of work for my husband and hopefully lots of achievements that will benefit many people.
A doctorate candidacy for me, hopefully, and a dissertation proposal.
A visit or two from Cyprus.
A honeymoon.
Lots of happiness and love, a happy everyday life.
To move on to those closest to me, this year will bring babies.
I hope that they are both healthy and happy.
A wedding or two, fun times.
Maybe a new job.
Maybe some relationships will take the next step towards partnership and a joint future.
All of us try hard to achieve our dreams, have a happy and fulfilling life, and along the way make a difference in the world regardless of how we do it.
This new year will bring changes for all of us.
I used to be terrified by change, but it seems that change has become synonymous to growth.